Project x sonic cheats
Project x sonic cheats

project x sonic cheats project x sonic cheats

Go back to the test terminal and start the advanced test. Security measures are increased with each test level. The goal objective for the Advanced and Expert levels remains the same X-13 document located in the administrator's safe, and the player must deactivate the robobrains during the final robot compliance test. Once the player has eliminated the newly spawned robo-scorpions, the next stealth test can optionally be run to further upgrade the stealth suit Mk II. Once complete, enemy robo-scorpions will appear throughout the X-13 facility under the direction of Dr. Once the basic infiltration test is complete, the stealth suit Mk II will be upgraded ( Sneak bonus increased by +10, to 25).

project x sonic cheats

The reward for doing this stage in Project X-13 redux are 10 energy cells. Move to the area above the administrator's office and simply jump down to reach the safe next to the administrator's desk, thereby avoiding the security. Alternatively, the test can be started, followed by a right turn from the test terminal, and a move upstairs to the observation level. There are several routes through the area on the lower floor to reach the safe. A reward will appear in the safe next to the test terminal. Doing so will complete the basic infiltration test and shut down all security measures. Find the administrator's office and retrieve the X-13 document from the wall safe. If the player character is detected, the test will reset, and they must return to the test terminal to start again. Once the test is started, the player character must make their way through the area, avoiding any patrolling robobrains. The test is initiated via a terminal on the bottom floor, next to a wall safe. The currently friendly robots can also be destroyed ahead of time, which will not re-spawn until the final test. With a Science or Repair skill of 50, these can be permanently disabled or hacked (from a red laser beam to a blue, reading the player as friendly no alarms will trigger when the blue beams are crossed). If the Courier makes preparations by sweeping the area ahead of time, a search of the walls and desks will reveal many (currently inert) laser tripwire emitters which activate later in the optional tests. The Courier can freely explore the entire area prior to activating the actual test. After assembling the stealth suit Mk II during X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator! and entering the stealth testing lab, activate the test terminal to start the basic infiltration test.

Project x sonic cheats