Most realistic default skins sims 3
Most realistic default skins sims 3

most realistic default skins sims 3

What you see is exactly as they look in my game. Screenshots are completely unedited (except for necessary blurring of nipples/genitals/buttcrack, rotating images, and a little bit of resizing) - no filtering or actions applied whatsoever. Sims in the screenshots are shown completely without makeup, though this skin is meant to be used with S-Club's 3D eyelashes (there is an overlay included that mostly removes the EA eyelashes). The tone ramp is labelled "HP Idola3" and the skintone "spot" shows up teal, so you should be able to find it easily. The tone ramp goes from lighter-than-EA-default in a very pale tone to quite dark, and varies somewhat between tones, from olive to pinkish, more saturated and less saturated, so you can get a wide range of tones with a single addition to your custom skintones. Due to the way this skin is made, it's not ideal as a default. If you would like them for other age groups, feel free to convert. This works for teen, young adult, and adult only as those are the only age groups I ever play.

most realistic default skins sims 3

You can easily find this on google or any tumblr site, but feel free to ask again if you need help.This skintone is an attempt at approximating my "Idolatry" skintones for Sims 2 - detailed without being photorealistic, simmish without being dull, complex without being overly-shiny. Last but not least, you need the Resource.cfg file in your Mods folder to make every mod work in your sims3 game. Both of these folders could be found in 'My Documents'. simpacks should go into the 'Download' folder, and package files should go inside the 'Mods' folder. However, the dashboard mod only identifies package files so be aware of that.

most realistic default skins sims 3

The custom contents come in simpacks or package files.

most realistic default skins sims 3

Some custom contents might crash the game or lag it to oblivion, therefore this mod is very useful. You can download it in 'modthesims' site, and the beauty of this mod is that it tells you which custom content has gone corrupt, which mods clash with each other, etc. Also, if you download custom content, I'd strongly recommend you one of the sims3 mods that is called 'dashboard'.

Most realistic default skins sims 3